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Raytown C-II School District, MO Revenue Losses from Subsidy Programs

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YearProgram NameProgram Type sort iconGross Revenue LossReimbursement / offsetNet Revenue LossType of Loss
2017Chapter 353General Economic Development$1,035$0$1,035Passive
2017Tax Increment Financing (TIF)General Economic Development$78,048$0$78,048Passive
2017Chapter 100General Economic Development$154,444$0$154,444Passive
2017Chapter 353General Economic Development$224,440$0$224,440Passive
2017Tax Increment Financing (TIF)General Economic Development$302,065$0$302,065Passive
2017Tax Increment Financing (TIF)General Economic Development$482,521$0$482,521Passive
2019Tax Increment Finance (TIF)General Economic Development$85,514$0$85,514Passive
2019Chapter 353 Tax AbatementGeneral Economic Development$1,061$0$1,061Passive
2019Tax Increment Finance (TIF)General Economic Development$294,972$0$294,972Passive
2019Tax Increment Finance (TIF)General Economic Development$519,615$0$519,615Passive
2019Industrial Development BondsGeneral Economic Development$849,324$540,458$308,866Passive
2019Chapter 353 Tax AbatementGeneral Economic Development$139,118$0$139,118Passive
TABULATED TOTAL$3,132,157$540,458$2,591,699