Each individual entry is a single program reported by a single jurisdiction in a given fiscal year. Because we want to track the level and quality of disclosure as well as the content, the values below -- with the exception of program names -- are entered exactly as they are reported. See our user guide for more explanations.
State or Territory: | Ohio |
Effected Jurisdiction: | Tecumseh Local School District |
Jurisdiction type: | School District |
Fiscal year ending In: | 2019 |
Program name: | Enterprise Zone Agreements |
Program purpose: | General Economic Development |
Statutory authority: | (not specified) |
Abating jurisdiction(s): | Clark County |
Applicable taxes: | Real Property Tax |
Method of abatement: | Tax Exemption |
Provisions for recapture: | If the actual number of employee positions created or retained by the business in any three-year period during which the agreement is in effect is not equal to or greater than seventy-five percent of the number of employee positions estimated to be created or retained under the agreement, the business shall repay the amount of taxes on property that would have been payable had the property not been exempted. In addition, the local governments may terminate or modify the exemptions from taxation granted under the agreement if the terms of the agreement are not met. |
Gross revenue loss: | $12,635 |
Reimbursement / offset: | $0 |
Net revenue loss: | $12,635 |
Type of loss: | Passive |
Additional notes on dislosure: | The amount lists taxes forgone by the school district for the year ended December 31, 2018. |