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Tax Break Tracker Individual Entry

Each individual entry is a single program reported by a single jurisdiction in a given fiscal year. Because we want to track the level and quality of disclosure as well as the content, the values below -- with the exception of program names -- are entered exactly as they are reported. See our user guide for more explanations.

State or TerritoryGuam
Effected JurisdictionGuam
Jurisdiction type: State or Territory
Fiscal year ending In2021
Program nameGuam Registered Apprenticeship Program (GRAP)
Program purpose: Workforce Development
Statutory authority: Public Law 28-142
Abating jurisdiction(s): Territory of Guam
Applicable taxesGross Receipts Tax
Method of abatement: Tax Abatement
Provisions for recapture: None
Gross revenue loss: $3,037,640
Reimbursement / offset: $0
Net revenue loss: $3,037,640
Type of loss: Active
Additional notes on dislosureGuam Registered Apprenticeship Program (GRAP) provides tax abatement incentives to eligible businesses that employ apprentices who are duly enrolled and registered in the program. Eligible businesses are entitled to tax abatement against their gross receipts tax liability equal to fifty percent (50%) of the eligible training costs paid or incurred by the business. Eligible training costs include direct wages of apprentices, direct fringe benefits (medical and dental insurance), journeyman’s wages (on-the-job training), instructor costs (academic and trade theory), training costs (books and tuition), and personal protective equipment. The GRAP Program was created under Public Law 28-142 for the purposes of reducing the shortage of highly skilled workers; encouraging employers to hire and train apprentices in highly skilled trades and occupations; authorizing up to 50% abatement of gross receipts taxes for certain long term apprenticeship training expenses; and ensuring that apprentices continue to pay income taxes and participate in the economy.
Document sourcehttps://emma.msrb.org/P21619677-P21247769-P21672347.pdf