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Tax Break Tracker Individual Entry

Each individual entry is a single program reported by a single jurisdiction in a given fiscal year. Because we want to track the level and quality of disclosure as well as the content, the values below -- with the exception of program names -- are entered exactly as they are reported. See our user guide for more explanations.

State or TerritoryMichigan
Effected JurisdictionDearborn School District
Jurisdiction type: School District
Fiscal year ending In2023
Program nameIndustrial Facilities Tax Exemptions; Brownfield redevelopment agreements; Payment in Lieu of Tax (PILOT)
Program purpose: Construction/rehabilitation; environmental protection; affordable housing
Statutory authority: PA 198 of 1974; PA 381 of 1996; PA 346 of 1966
Abating jurisdiction(s): Wayne County
Applicable taxesProperty Tax
Method of abatement: Tax Exemption; tax diversion; payment in lieu of taxes
Provisions for recapture: (not specified)
Gross revenue loss: $754,507
Reimbursement / offset: $552,000
Net revenue loss: $202,507
Type of loss: Passive
Additional notes on dislosureThe School District is reimbursed for lost revenue caused by tax abatements on the operating millage of nonhomestead properties from the State of Michigan under the School Aid formula. The School District received approximately $552,000 in reimbursements from the State of Michigan. The School District is not reimbursed for lost revenue from the debt service millages. There are no abatements made by the School District.
Document sourcehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/19RReO2fgvzRCzYgpUA6I7_qeF8osvf1T/view