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Maryland Revenue Lost to Tax Abatement Programs

Total Revenue Lost$81,682,214

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State-level or Territory-level programs

Click on the name of a program for more details.

YearProgram NameProgram TypeGross Revenue Loss
2018Aerospace, Electronics, or Defense Contract Tax CreditTechnology (aviation)$7,500,000
2018Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax CreditTechnology (biotech)$13,900,000
2018Cybersecurity Invest Incent Tax CreditTechnology (cybersecurity)$370,000
2018Enterprise Zone (EZ) Tax CreditGeneral Economic Development (EZ)$700,000
2018Film Production Tax CreditFilm, TV, and/or media$7,000,000
2018One Maryland Tax CreditCapital investment$8,100,000
2018Sustainable Communities Tax CreditCommunity development$1,700,000

Tabulated localities and districts

Click on the name of jurisdiction for a list of tax abatement programs that reduced its tax revenue.

Data includes abatement information for the five most populous cities, counties, and school districts in each state (where available). If no data is shown for these top five jurisdictions, it is because they did not disclose GASB 77 tax abatement information in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), the amount reported was $0, or the ACFR has not been published yet. Some states include data for additional years and jurisdictions.

Reporting JurisdictionJurisdiction TypeGross Revenue Loss
Anne Arundel CountyCounty$1,137,766
Baltimore CountyCounty$6,707,000
Howard CountyCounty$1,364,526
Prince George's CountyCounty$4,748,229
City of BaltimoreMunicipality$27,953,000
City of FrederickMunicipality$6,563
City of GaithersburgMunicipality$244,000
City of RockvilleMunicipality$251,130