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Tax Break Tracker Individual Entry

Each individual entry is a single program reported by a single jurisdiction in a given fiscal year. Because we want to track the level and quality of disclosure as well as the content, the values below -- with the exception of program names -- are entered exactly as they are reported. See our user guide for more explanations.

State or TerritoryGeorgia
Effected JurisdictionMuscogee County School District
Jurisdiction type: School District
Fiscal year ending In2019
Program nameConversation Use Validation Assessment
Program purpose: Real estate development (residential)
Statutory authority: (not specified)
Abating jurisdiction(s): Muscogee County
Applicable taxesProperty Tax
Method of abatement: (not specified)
Provisions for recapture: Owners who breach their conservation use covenant must pay back to the taxing authorities twice the savings they have received over the life of the covenant up to the point it was breached.
Gross revenue loss: $444,094
Reimbursement / offset: $0
Net revenue loss: $444,094
Type of loss: Passive
Additional notes on dislosureThis amount reflects the taxes abated for all taxing authorities combined (Muscogee County Schools and Columbus Consolidated Government). CAFR does not state what portion of the abatement is allocated to the district.