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Tax Break Tracker Individual Entry

Each individual entry is a single program reported by a single jurisdiction in a given fiscal year. Because we want to track the level and quality of disclosure as well as the content, the values below -- with the exception of program names -- are entered exactly as they are reported. See our user guide for more explanations.

State or TerritoryIdaho
Effected JurisdictionIdaho
Jurisdiction type: State or Territory
Fiscal year ending In2017
Program nameBroadband Income Tax Credit
Program purpose: Technology (ICT)
Statutory authority: Idaho Code Section 63-3029I
Abating jurisdiction(s): State of Idaho
Applicable taxesIncome Tax
Method of abatement: Tax Credit
Provisions for recapture: In the event that qualified broadband equipment upon which the credit allowed by this section has been used ceases to qualify for the credit allowed by Idaho Code Section 63-3029B, or is subject to recapture of that credit, the recapture of credit under this section shall be in the same proportion and subject to the same provisions as the amount of credit required to be recaptured under Idaho Code Section 63-3029B.
Gross revenue loss: $2,713,844
Reimbursement / offset: $0
Net revenue loss: $2,713,844
Type of loss: Active
Additional notes on dislosure(none)
Document sourcehttps://www.sco.idaho.gov/LivePages/acfr-financial-report-archive.aspx