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Virginia Revenue Lost to Tax Abatement Programs

Total Revenue Lost$136,979,298

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State-level or Territory-level programs

Click on the name of a program for more details.

YearProgram NameProgram TypeGross Revenue Loss sort icon
2017Retail Sales and Use Tax Data Center ExemptionsGeneral Economic Development$65,200,000
2017Motion Picture Production Tax CreditJob Creation/Retention$6,600,000
2017Virginia Enterprise ZonesGeneral Economic Development$164,823
2017Tax Revenue from Tourism ProjectsGeneral Economic Development$100,550

Tabulated localities and districts

Click on the name of jurisdiction for a list of tax abatement programs that reduced its tax revenue.

Data includes abatement information for the five most populous cities, counties, and school districts in each state (where available). If no data is shown for these top five jurisdictions, it is because they did not disclose GASB 77 tax abatement information in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), the amount reported was $0, or the ACFR has not been published yet. Some states include data for additional years and jurisdictions.

Reporting Jurisdiction sort iconJurisdiction TypeGross Revenue Loss
Arlington CountyCounty$5,998,016
Augusta CountyCounty$1,016,666
Buckingham CountyCounty$150,000
Carroll CountyCounty$28,525
Chesterfield CountyCounty$1,480,152
City of AbingtonMunicipality$36,000
City of AlexandriaMunicipality$10,150,200
City of AmherstMunicipality$245,494
City of BristolMunicipality$293,430
City of CharlottesvilleMunicipality$342,936
City of DanvilleMunicipality$84,103
City of Falls ChurchMunicipality$364,036
City of Franklin CityMunicipality$31,809
City of FrederickburgMunicipality$347,474
City of Newport NewsMunicipality$1,483,643
City of NorfolkMunicipality$4,585,968
City of RoanokeMunicipality$2,146,639
City of SalemMunicipality$417,557
City of SouthhamptonMunicipality$670,334
City of StauntonMunicipality$164,897
City of SuffolkMunicipality$4,378,525
City of Virginia BeachMunicipality$823,017
City of WaynesboroMunicipality$312,669
City of WythevilleMunicipality$212,191
Fauqier CountyCounty$995,998
Giles CountyCounty$1,344,174
Goochland CountyCounty$174,675
Henrico CountyCounty$159,455
James City CountyCounty$20,622
Mecklenburg CountyCounty$21,845,132
Orange CountyCounty$934,000
Pittsylvania CountyCounty$252,919
Roanoke CountyCounty$1,482,489
Rockingham CountyCounty$1,412,058
Spotsylvania CountyCounty$224,516
Washington CountyCounty$70,059
York CountyCounty$233,547